A message to Jae Hee (재희, 在熙, ジェヒ)

A message to Jae Hee (재희, 在熙, ジェヒ)
Best wishes for you!

Jae Hee - 재희 Profile (in English)

Name: 재희 / Jae Hee (Jae Hui)
Real name: 이현균 / Lee Hyun Kyoon (Lee Hyeon Gyun)
Profession: Actor, Model, business man (own fashion mall).
Management company : Star K Entertaiment
Award : Blue Dragon's Best New Actor, Best Couple with Han Chae Young
Education :University - Dankuk University (Major in Acting drama), high school - SungSil, middle school - Sangsil, elementary - Sinsa
Family : The only son
Religion : Christian
Best friend : Kim Hyo Jin (Wuri's family), Kong Hyo Jin (Snowman, Thank you) - I think she also got a fashion's shop too like Jae Hee , Lee Young Jin
Right woman : Feel- a woman like a flower, Mind- A beautiful woman.
Behaviour : Always wear casual clothes. Especially Jeans. He got almost 30 Jeans at home.
Hobbies : Watching cartoons, Playing StarCraft (PC game), Inline Skate, Scuba Diving, Rollerblading, Badminton, Dance, Music
Birthdate: 1980-May-25
Height: 178cm
Weight: 63kg
Star sign: Gemini
Blood type: O / B (O is his real blood type. But, he always thought he has B type blood)

TV Series
Hometown of legends (2008) As Yoon Ki Joo With Lee Young Eun
Three Dads One Mum (2008) As Choi Kwang Hee
Witch Amusement (SBS, 2007) As Chae Mo Ryong
My Girl (SBS, 2005, cameo)
Delightful Girl Choon Hyang (KBS, 2005) As Lee Mong Ryong
To Be With You (KBS, 2002) As Lee Sang Won
Wuri's Family (MBC, 2001) As Han Gyeo-Rae - 겨레 (second son, 18)
School (KBS, 2000) As Lee Seong Je - Episode 1-27


Mandate -2008 as 퇴마사 최강 (Toimasa Choi Kang) Released on September with Yoo Da In
Flower - Butterfly's attack/a surprise visit - 2008 (꽃 - 나비의 습격) As Jo Yeon (조연) - a supporting actor (Haven't been released) Note* This movie is starring by Han Ye Seul. Maybe, the movie got two same name. I don't know why koreanwikipedia wrote that Jae Hee in it. Don't know whether he's in this movie or not. But, see the photo that I have been posted on the title "Jae Hee's new drama and movie "
Evil Twin / The Hometown of Legends (2007) As Hyun Sik
The Single Sitting on Both Sides of the Fence (2007) As Seong Hyun
The Art of Fighting (2005) As Song Byung Tae
3-Iron (2004) As Tae Suk
Scream - 비명 (2004) As Sae Ho- It's a horror movie title is city horror series 2 by director = Lee Gyu Hwan
Bloody Beach (2000) As Won Il
Ghost in Love (1998) As Chae Byul's younger brother

재희 프로필

+ 생년월일 : 1980년5월25일
+ 신장 : 178cm , 63kg
+ 학교 : 단국대학교 연극영화과
+ 가족관계 : 외아들
+ 특기 : 노래, 춤 , inline스케이트타기, 스쿠버 타이밍
+ 취미 : 음악듣기, 영화감상, 오락
+ 혈액형 : O 형
+ 성격 : 세밀, 꼼꼼, 신경을 많이 쓰는 몰두형
+ 버릇 : 자주 옷 고쳐입기
+ 종교 : 기독교
+ 보물 1 호: 내가 사랑하는 사람들
+ 애창곡: 이병헌의 'TEARS'
+ 이상형: FEEL 꽂히는 여자
+ 매력 포인트 : 큰 눈망울 , 고운 피부
+ 친한 연예인 : 김효진, 공효진, 이영진
+ 좋아하는 스포츠 : 농구
+ 좋아하는 음식: 먹지 못 할바엔 죽음을 달라
+ 좋아하는 오락 : 스타크래프트
+ 스케줄이 없을 때: 매니저와 스타크래프트를…

More about Jae Hee

Jae Hee, also known as Lee Hyun Kyun, is a South Korean actor who made his screen debut in the Korean drama School. He got his first break as a lead actor in Kim Ki-duk’s movie 3 Iron. This critically acclaimed movie has won many awards locally and internationally including awards for Jae Hee like Korea's Blue Dragon Best New Actor in 2004 and in effect opened more opportunities for Jae Hee in the entertainment industry.

In 2005, his star shined even brighter when he became the lead actor for the internationally admired Korean Drama Delightful Girl Choon Hyang where he played as Moo Ryong. His acting ability in this drama was recognized and won him another Best Actor award. Because of his excellent performance in Delightful Girl Choon Hyang, its makers cast him again for a lead role in another romantic comedy series which was shown on the second quarter of 2007 entitled Witch Amusement or Witch Yoo Hee where he played as a chef. Added to his movie credits are The Art of Fighting in 2005 and The Single Sitting on Both Sides of the Fence in 2007.

He is loved by his fans not just for his superb acting skills but also for his charming mannerisms, his to-die-for abs, and his concern to his fans which he showed by posting messages on various fan sites. He is a very straightforward person and never hesitates to approach a girl whom he fancies to tell her "I like you". Jae Hee not only has a good fashion sense, but he has his own fashion line for casual wear.

Debut: Kam Woosung's younger self in MBC's 'Mountain' (1996) . During his high school, he desires to become an actor. There was once when he was filming a drama, it ended very late at about 1am. Other stars drove their own car back home but jae hee stayed in the train station as shooting of the drama continues at 6 am in the morning, thus, he decided to stay there. His mother urged him to give up on acting, but he refused. During that time, in order not to let his family worry about him, he didn’t ask his family for pocket money.Finally in 2005 when delightful girl chunhyang was aired, jae hee plays the lead role of lee mong ryong. This drama receives high ratings, thus allowing jae hee to become popular in korea

Monday, June 30, 2008

Jae Hee's photo

I got it from Yahoo Korea. He's so cute~

Jae Hee at street art festival

Jae Hee at Street Art Festival on 30 May 2008

30일 오후 서울 홍대 인근 주차장 골목에서 컨버스와 함께하는 ‘Street Art Festival’ 행사가 열렸다. 배우 재희가 자신이 직접 디자인한 신발을 선보이고 있다

The Street Art Festival was held on 30 May, at Seoul Hongdae.

Jae Hee's photo when he is in childhood

Source from gall.dcinside.com

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Jae Hee's photo for The Single Sitting on Both Sides of the Fence (2007) movie

Jae Hee's photo for The Single Sitting on Both Sides of the Fence (2007) movie

Sleep time of stars (Jae Hee has been interview)

스타들의 수면시간은?
입력시간 : [2008-06-26 10:09] By YTN STAR


서에 번쩍 동에 번쩍하는 바쁜 스타들, 정말 몸이 열두 개라도 모자랄 텐데요. 이렇게 바쁜 스타들은 얼마나 잘 수 있을까? 안지선 기자가 전합니다.


연예계 미녀 스타들은 한결같이 그 비결로 '충분한 수면'을 손꼽는데요. 하지만 바쁜 스케줄 때문에 잠을 제대로 잘 수 없는 게 스타들의 현실입니다.

"오늘 촬영이 새벽에 끝나서 끝나고 잠깐 자고..."


Sleep time of stars.

It's say that "how can busy Stars manage theirs time sleep?"

[Interview : Jae Hee]
"Today is a photograph's shot daybreak has finished, that's why after this, I want to sleep..."

Translation by Sue

A correction from a forum

Hello, guys^^

I saw this thread at the forum. I want to make some correction. The movie "The Single Sitting on Both Side of The Fence [2007] as Seong Hyun" has been released. It was starring by Park Si Yeon (My girl). This movie "Flower - Butterfly's Attack/ A Surprise Visit [2008] as Jo Yeon" hasn't been released yet. Sorry, I have made a writing mistake, Jo Yeon isn't Jae Hee's name in this drama. It's meaning he is a supporting actor in this movie. The name hasn't been released yet. And also Mandate. I didn't know when it'll be released. Maybe in August?!


Source from soompi.com

Jae Hee (a.k.a Lee Hyun Kyun)

Education : Dankuk University (Major in Acting Drama), SungSil High School, SangSil middle school, Sinsa Elementary School
Family : The only son
Religion : Christian

Always wear casual clothes, especially jeans.. (he got almost 30 jeans at home)
Hobbies : watching cartoons, Playing StarCraft (PC Game), Inline Skate, Scuba Diving, Rollerblading, Badminton, etc..

Another his movies that haven't been released:
-) The Single Sitting on Both Side of The Fence [2007] as Seong Hyun
-) Flower - Butterfly's Attack/ A Surprise Visit [2008] as Jo Yeon

credit from : jaeheefan.blogspot.com

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jae Hee's last day in m-net x-boyfriend

I read a message by his fan on the site telling that today is Jae Hee's last day to host m-met x-boyfriend. I feel really sad to hear this. Many his fan feeling that way too. There will be a new host which an actor. He name is Shin Dong Wook. It was reported by Korean online press.

I missed Jae Hee^^

2008.06.24 20:46

(서울=연합뉴스) 강종훈 기자 = 탤런트 신동욱이 케이블 채널 Mnet의 '추적 엑스보이프렌드(x-boyfriend)' 시즌2의 새 MC가 됐다.

제작진은 "헤어진 연인과 추억을 되새기는 프로그램의 MC로서 배우의 감성적인 이미지가 주효하다"면서 "장근석과 재희에 이은 3대 MC 신동욱은 부드럽고 세심한 진행을 선보일 것으로 기대된다"고 밝혔다.

신동욱은 MBC 주간시트콤 '소울메이트', KBS 2TV 드라마 '구름계단', SBS 드라마 '쩐의 전쟁' 등에 출연했으며 메인 MC를 맡는 것은 이번이 처음이다.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Steal my heart (Jeon Ji Hyun and Jae Hee)

Steal my heart (1998)

Starring by :

Jae Hee
Jeon Ji Hyun

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

재희-유아인, 여성의류 쇼핑몰 오픈! (Jae Hee - Yoo A-In women´s designer apparel shoppingmall open!)

재희-유아인, 여성의류 쇼핑몰 오픈!
2008-06-18 10:22

(리뷰스타 김미영 기자)재희와 유아인이 여성의류 쇼핑몰을 오픈했다.

남자 연예인들이 여성의류 쇼핑몰을 운영한다는 말이 조금은 생소할 수도 있으나, 재희와 유아인은 '레브라이프‘를 통해 연예활동을 하며 보고 듣고 느낀 감수성을 바탕으로 감각적인 패션 아이템을 제공하고 있다.

재희와 유아인은 단순한 ‘쇼핑몰’ 경영이 아닌 제품구입에서 부터 촬영, 디자인 등 모든 비쥬얼적인 부분을 직접 지휘하고 있으며, 여성 패션 아이템뿐만 아니라 남성의류 및 각 종 액세서리 등을 통해 차별화된 쇼핑공간을 마련한다는 각오다.

한편, 최근 백지영과 유리가 공동으로 오픈한 온라인 쇼핑몰 ‘아이엠유리’가 폭발적인 반응을 얻고 있다.

김미영 기자/www.reviewstar.net

Translated by Sue

Jae Hee & Yoo A-In women´s designer apparel shoppingmall open!

(ReviewStar reporter Kim Mi Young)Jae Hee and Yoo A In's women designer apparel shoppingmall had opened!

There was a few men stars who opened women designer apparel shoppingmall. At this shoppingmall, you can find men fashion and also women fashion with assesories.

Meanwhile, Park Ji Young and Yoo Ri had opened a shoppingmall too. The site is www.iamyuri.com

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Jae Hee and Yepp

Jae Hee in magazine (when he's young)

Jae Hee's Filmography in Korean

Jae Hee in magazine (1998 when he stars in saranghae saranghae)

He's so cute, don't you think?

Jae Hee's auction's shop in levlife.com

Check it out -----> http://www.levlife.com/

Jae Hee's name in the menu^^

Thanks, Lucy for the information.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jae Hee's best friends

Just curious to know who are Jae Hee's best friends, so I decided to search them.


Name: 공효진 / Gong Hyo Jin (Kong Hyo Jin)
Nickname: Olive
Profession: Actress and model
Birthdate: 1980-Apr-04
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 172cm
Weight: 46kg
Star sign: Aries
Blood type: A
Family: Younger brother
Talent agency: SidusHQ (http://www.sidushq.com)

TV Shows

Thank You (MBC, 2007)
Hello My Teacher (SBS, 2005)
Sang Doo, Let's Go To School (KBS, 2003)
Snowman (MBC, 2003)
Ruler of Your Own World (MBC, 2002)
Wonderful Days (SBS, 2002)
Drama City 'Love Without Hope' 사랑하라 희망없이 (KBS, 2001)
My Funky Family 가문의 영광 (MBC, 1999)


Dajjimawa Lee (2008)
Scarlet Blush (2008)
I Like It This Way (2008)
M (http://www.m0820.com) (2007)
Happiness (http://www.happiness2007.co.kr) (2007, cameo)
A Day with My Son (2007, cameo)
The Birth of a Family (2006)
Heaven's Soldiers (2005)
No Manners / Conduct Zero (2002)
Taekwon Girl / Bizarre Love Triangle (2002)
Emergency Act 19 (2002)
Surprise / Surprise Party (2002)
Volcano High (2001)
Guns & Talks (2001)
Last Present (2001, cameo)
Whispering Corridors 2: Memento Mori (1999)

Source from : dramawiki


Name: 김효진 / Kim Hyo Jin (Gim Hyo Jin)
Profession: Actress / Model
Birthdate: 1984-Feb-02
Birthplace: Seoul, South Korea
Height: 168cm
Weight: 45kg
Blood type: AB
Talent agency: Namoo Actors (http://www.namooactors.com)

TV Series

I Am Happy (SBS, 2008)
Ice Girl (KBS, 2005)
Rainbow Romance (MBC, 2005)
Hong Kong Express (SBS, 2005)
Magic (SBS, 2004)
Wuri's Family (MBC, 2001)
Secret (MBC, 2001)
RNA (2000)


Mr. Wacky (2006)
Barefoot Ki-bong (2006)
Everybody has a Little Secret (2004)
Thousand Years Old lake (2003)

Source from : dramawiki


Name : Lee Young-Jin
Birth Date: 2/24/1981
Height: 173cm
Weight: 50kg

Lee Young-Jin graduated from Modelline, a famous modelling school in Korea. Apart from being a model, she is also a movie actress. Her outstanding performance in Memento Mor has brought her several actress awards. She has starred in two films so far, while she is working on her third film right now.


Crazy For Waiting 기다리다 미쳐 (2008)
Coma (TV) 코마 (2006)
Deus Machina 데우스 마키나 (2003)
Into the Mirror 거울 속으로 (2003)
Natural City 내츄럴 시티 (2003)
Surprise 서프라이즈 (2002)
Afrika 아프리카 (2001)
Asako in Ruby Shoes 순애보 (2001)
Memento Mori 여고괴담 두번째 이야기 :메멘토 모리 (1999)

source from : cinemasie.com and cinespot.com

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jae Hee's new drama and movie

Jae Hee's last kiss video interview

MC: In reality, when was your last kiss? please answer
Audience: *shouting* jae hee, answer me!
JH: Very cruel question.
MC: In drama DGCH, the kissing scene between HCY and JH had became a hot topic.
JH: About 1 and a half year ago
Audience: *shouting* and....
JH: It is real, we didnt meet up this few months as i was busying filming. At han dang..
Audience: *shouting*
JH: At the cruise
MC: Repeats his answer
JH: No, the cruise was passing by only.
Audience: *laughing* at his response
JH: Actually both of us were starring at the sea, when the cruise passed by, the lightings on the cruise shine on my girlfriend face. It was very pretty, so...
MC: Ask whether JH ask her for permission to kiss her.
JH: Gives some advices for guys who wanted to kiss their girlfriend, saying that it is better to understand the other party feeling at the time. this would take 3 seconds. i will take 3 second to complete the whole procedure.
JH: While kissing, i dont need to ask for permission, i just naturally does it.
Audience: *shouting*
JH: When saying ''i love you'' i would starred right at her eyes.
MC: Saying that he was slap when he didnt ask for permission. Commenting that JH is an expert.

Translation On The Video Clip Posted By " yyacobsg '' ^^


Source from soompi thread (Thank you very much)

Lee Teuk, Jae Hee "had romantic relationship with 3-year-older woman, enjoy being looked after"

Translated By Rebecca Proofread By TinaHar (Thanks to SJBLUECN (www.sjbluecn.com) for the translated news)

Lee Teuk, Jae Hee "had romantic relationship with 3-year-older woman, enjoy being looked after"

One after another, Super Junior member Lee Teuk and actor Jae Hee frankly and sincerely tell the public that they had "had romantic relationship with older women".

MC of Integrated Music channel's program , Jae Hee and Lee Teuk, the MC of (Lee Teuk's Love Fighter), talked about their love stories.

In the (Lee Teuk's Love Fighter) on June 4th, the male participants who enjoyed being looked after now having a May-October relationship with an older women has drawn attention from the audiences. After seeing the couple quarreling fiercely about "Why other Nuna(older sister) could take good care of those things, but you can't?", Lee Teuk said "I had had relationship with older woman as well, so I really enjoy being looked after from head to toes." His speech aroused a heat discussion on the scene.

At the same time, in the (chase X-Boy friend Season II), to be broadcasted in June, The main character is a man who lost his older girl friend because of his lack of ability. The two were together despite of their four-year-old age differences. However, since the man could do nothing for his girl friend, he had to borrow money from others every time they meet.

In order to help the men who still hopes his older girl friend to return, MC Jae Hee said "I had had romantic relationship with an older woman for three years. Women are naturally more mature than man, plus it's a May-October relationship, I learned a lot from the relationship."

Invitation (Choodae-초대 2005)

I found this in the net. A movie by Jae Hee called 초대. I haven't seen this movie yet. Don't know how it is-_-

Starring by Jae Hee and Seung Hyun Ah.

Seung Hyun Ah (Above)

Spot the different? Jae Hee and Lee Min Ki

Source from daum Q&A (Thank you very much)